Benefits of Remote Reception For Towing and Tire Companies
If you run a towing and tire company, you’re – literally – on the go 24-7. You get calls constantly and then you must respond regardless of your location. For a company that isn’t gigantic, this can create an expensive scenario for you. You’re faced with either trying to do it all yourself or hiring employees whose sole job is to man your phones. Luckily, towing and tire companies can leverage the benefits of remote reception to really pick up profits and drive sales. Let’s take a look at how.
Stop Paying Employees For Wasted Time
Your phone probably isn’t ringing off the hook, round the clock, is it? Cars break down and tires go at all hours of the day and night – but there certainly isn’t a rhyme or reason. Due to the inherent lack of predictability in your business, it can result in wasted money when you employ someone who sits around – literally – waiting for something to do. When you contract with a remote reception provider, you only pay for the time and services you actually end up using.
Provide More Consistent Service
Remote reception employees are highly trained to be as professional and competent as possible – they go through intensive training to be the best they can be in the customer service industry. When you use a remote reception company for providing services to your customers, you can ensure that you don’t miss a beat (an address, a distress call or a complaint).
Remote reception has the ability to transform the towing and tire industry by saving companies a lot of money while delivering customers a higher level of service. Word of mouth is everything, especially as social media becomes more and more predominant: by using remote reception services, you can cultivate a reputation as a go to provider for towing and tire services.