29 December 2021

Top 2022 Business Goals for a Thriving Business

As we say goodbye to 2021 and ring in a new year, many businesses are looking ahead to new strategies and practices to improve business and the bottom line in 2022.

Here are 5 business goals every business can consider as we head into 2022.


1. Work Life Balance

While working from home or remotely can be a great experience for you and your employees, it can result in the inability to shut off for the day. Make it a priority to have set business hours for yourself and staff, while still having support in place to ensure your business runs smoothly during out-of-office hours.

How can you do that? Well, you can outsource your after hours calls to a call answer service like Answer 365. Let us help you create a work environment that allows staff to be off work when they are off work!

2. Create a Rewarding Work Environment

Sometimes it is the little things that make a big difference to both staff and customers. Things like sending a thank you card to a staff member who has gone the extra mile or to a loyal customer who continues to choose your business.

Taking the time to recognize the people who support your business and thanking them for their hard work, loyalty and dedication can foster a positive environment within your business. Loyal staff and customers can make all the difference to your business in the new year.

3. Reduce Your Workload

Are you a micromanager? Many business owners are and that is understandable! Owning a business requires focus on every single detail of your business. However, taking on too much work can quickly lead to burnout.

It may be time to collaborate more with your staff and delegate when you can. If you are short staffed, it may be time to reach out to businesses like Answer 365 that can help you free up time to focus on other key areas of work.

Talk to your staff, see where there are areas of collaboration that can help move your business forward as well as create a more creative and cohesive work environment where employees feel like contributors and star problem solvers.

Collaboration will not only help you reduce your workload, it can also help you discover additional strengths and skill sets amongst your employees! Working together helps people form positive working relationships – and that can make a huge difference to your office working environment.

4. Look into New or Updated Software

Examine the software you use for your business. From email marketing to call answering, how are you managing key areas of your business and can they be improved? Take the time to write down all of the software investments you have made and what programs you are using and work with your team to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each of these programs.

You may be so busy running your business that you may not have had time to have a look at what is working and what isn’t working with respect to software programs.  Ask your staff to give you their thoughts on it. Chances are your marketing person, accounting team or front staff will have suggestions for improvement.

5. Crisis Management Plan

If we learned anything from the past two years it was how to be flexible and pivot quickly. Take the time to work with your team on a crisis management strategy. What worked and what didn’t work over the past 24 months? What can make it easier for you, your team and your customers?

Whether it is better communication, more robust call answering, new email software or other ideas – now is the time to write it down and prepare. Make the changes early on so you can be fully prepared (or as prepared as you can be) for the unexpected.

Answer 365 provides customer service support that helps you run your business efficiently—and with the confidence that your customers are taken care of.

email: sales@answer365.ca
local calls: 902-453-0700
toll free: 1-800-701-7774