8 January 2018

5 Customer Service Resolutions You Should Make This Year

New Year isn’t just the time for personal resolutions–it’s a great time for your business to take stock and resolve to make improvements in the year ahead. Here are some customer service ‘resolutions’ you can adopt in your business for a brighter New Year.

Give customers more ways to get help

The more options your customers have regarding customer service, the better. Not everyone wants to make a phone call to get help–some may prefer to send an email or even engage with a chat agent. Some people prefer reaching out to businesses via social media and Instant Messaging isn’t just for your best friends anymore. Offer options for your customers and they’ll appreciate the effort.

Prioritize customer experience

Try to look at every aspect of your business from the customer’s point of view. Are you available when they need you? Do your products and services meet their needs? Can they reach out easily if they have a question about your business? You need to prioritize your customers if you want long term success. It’s great to have innovative products and services, but if you aren’t innovative with your customer service, you’ll have no customers to serve.

Improve communication skills

Many customer service representatives of a younger age don’t fully connect with their older customers because communication has changed quite a lot in the past few decades. Make sure that all your CSRs work on constantly improving their communication skills so that every customer feels heard and understood by your business.

Get everyone involved

It can be easy for managers and supervisors to leave the frontline communications up to the CSRs, but don’t stay hidden away. Get on the phones (or behind the customer service desk) and handle a few customer service issues yourself from time to time. This lets you keep your finger on the pulse of what your customers actually think about your customer service.

Focus on quality, not quantity

Every customer service interaction should be thorough and helpful, not rushed and half-hearted. Make sure you’re not rushing your CSRs to meet a quota. This just leads to poor service and unhappy customers.

To find out how a call centre could help your customer service team in the New Year, call Answer 365 today.